Application Guidelines [full details of each Space type]

B SPACE (Vehicle Display Stand)

Maximum of 4 units per Exhibitor

SPACE B IS EXCLUSIVE FOR VEHICLE ON DISPLAY. No demonstration or stand customization permitted.

Vehicle display

Stand Customization



Show Model

Display other than Vehicle

Jack-up / wheel removal


Stand Size3m width × 6m depth

* Space B is for displaying one vehicle per unit only.

Demonstration, stand customization, and stage effect such as sound (including car audio systems), screening and lighting (including headlights, neon tubes and LEDs) are strictly prohibited in Space B. If your participation comes with any of the above, you must apply for Space C, D, E or F.

Always keep your vehicle within your stand. Such is the case with minivan leaving a tailgate open. Otherwise you must apply for Space C, D or F.

No items other than vehicles may be displayed, or no stand customization allowed in Space B. Don't decorate your vehicle excessively.

No equipment of audio, video or lighting (including the use of car audio systems) allowed.
* Neon tubes, LEDs or headlights mounted in and out of the vehicle are likewise prohibited.

A needle-punched carpet, a spec board and a set of two truss pillars with two spotlights (see the illustrations far below) are included in this package.

For-hire counter, stool and brochure/flyer shelf can be ordered separately (charged option).
Your own fixtures or fittings must not be brought into the stand.

No carpet replacement or floor-lifting under any circumstances allowed. On top of this, jacking up the vehicle (in whole or in part) and removing tyres/wheels for demonstration purposes are prohibited.

Always store your spare sets of brochure/flyer in an out-of-sight place. For safety and aesthetic reasons, never leave them on the floor.

No show models can be featured.

Always keep your vehicle within your stand. "One vehicle per unit" is the show policy which is true for 2 or more units. See the illustrations right below.



No electricity will be supplied in Space B.

TASA does not allow anyone in Space B to put in place power-supply devices or perform demonstrations using car batteries.

Rule violations have increased over the last years. Such violations not only can cause troubles with other Exhibitors, but it may spoil visitors' enjoyment. Always observe the rule.



Consists of:

2 x Truss pillarsinstalled in every two units
(both in front and rear)
Needle-punched carpetlaid alternately in shading of grey
2 x Spotlightsone at the front and the other at the rear
* Primary installation of a cable and electricity charges during the course of the show also included in this package.

No decor, fixtures or fittings to customize your stand (including flags, banners and/or counters/desks) allowed.

Although the truss pillars are strongly anchored in the floor, never attempt to climb up on them for any reason whatsoever. The spotlights positioning will be perfomed by TASA.

Do not decorate the truss pillars with anything including flying flags/banners. Do not prop anything against the pillars.

• Space assignments will be made by TASA.

We are unfortunately unable to guarantee the assignment of your Space B to adjoin any other Space types you concurrently apply for.


Member: 170,000 yen (plus tax) per unit

Associate: 190,000 yen (plus tax) per unit